
Twitter #Weekendeats Highlights: More food porn

Some things may taste good, but a lot of foods that taste great aren’t necessarily photogenic. Getting just the right shot of a dumpling, mound of salad, piece of cake or martini is an art -- which one of our food photographers discusses in our new series Food Photography 101. During Monday morning’s #Weekendeats chat on Twitter, some participants shared some truly great food photos. We’d even classify them as grade A food porn. Here are the highlights:

Sinosoul shared a luscious picture of a soup dumpling. The angle and closeness of the shot are perfect. The way the chopsticks delicately hold the top of the dumpling make it easy to imagine the soup pooling at the bottom, ready to burst.

R.E.~ shared a photo of a dulce de leche Twixy Bar from SemiSweet Bakery that caused a double take and a mad craving for a Twix bar. Pamela from the blog offered up a recipe and some great shots of Guinness chocolate cake.


For more eye candy, Hong and Kim from the blog shared a recipe and photos of their lemon ice box pie. One peek and you can almost taste the meringue.

Ever seen a Persian herb frittata? It’s called kuku sabzi and is made with leeks, parsley, dried barberries, eggs, flour and more. May not sound like the prettiest frittata, but Orly from the blog Yumivore managed to get some great shots of her dish. You can check out the recipe and photos for kuku sabzi here.

Please join in by tweeting your #Weekendeats at us Monday morning @latimesfood and share your photos with us in our “Weekend Eats” gallery. We’ll feature some of the photos here on Daily Dish, so be sure to check back for more #Weekendeats and #Foodporn throughout the week.


Hope to see everyone next Monday morning on Twitter! It’s sure to be a drool-worthy good time.


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