
For the record - Jan. 30, 2011

Apartment development: An article in the Jan. 28 Business section about a planned apartment development at Vermont Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles referred to City Councilman Herb Wesson as Ed Wesson.

“Bringing Up Oscar”: In the Jan. 22 Calendar section, a review of Debra Ann Pawlak’s book “Bringing Up Oscar: The Story of the Men and Women Who Founded the Academy” described actress Claudette Colbert taking a bath in donkey milk in “Cleopatra.” This scene occurred in the 1932 movie “The Sign of the Cross.”

Jane Fonda: A photograph of actors Jane Fonda and Zach Grenier on the cover of the Jan. 30 Arts & Books section was incorrectly credited to Jay L. Clendenin of The Times. The photo was taken by Lawrence K. Ho of The Times.
