
Letters: Teach for America’s commitment problem

Re “Retooling Teach For America,” Opinion, July 10

As a former principal, teachers and I were often dismayed when the time and effort we put in to help these young people be successful went for naught because they often left after their two-year commitment was completed.

A second problem is that these inexperienced teachers are often placed in inner-city schools where teaching is most difficult. Having rookies as their teachers often compounds the severe challenges faced by our inner-city students.


Stu Bernstein

Santa Monica

Sadly, I believe that the high attrition rate in Teach For America is mainly caused by the teach-to-the-test mentality of “reformist” programs such as No Child Left Behind. If I were an intelligent, highly motivated and idealistic recent college graduate, I too would run for greener hills after seeing the very creativity that made me a high-ranking grad being sacrificed to testing.

It takes very little inventiveness and inspiration to help students pass a test. It takes a tremendous amount of ingenuity and vision to help all students master the standards so they integrate them into their knowledge base.

Bob Bruesch


The writer is a member of the Garvey School District Board of Education.


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