
Timboe Seated as Leader of NAWIC Unit

Bobbie Timboe of Dinwiddie Construction Co., Los Angeles, has been installed as president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Assn. of Women In Construction, a professional association of more than 8,000 women who work in construction industry.

Other officers are: Kathy L’Heureux of ACR Mechanical, president-elect; Donna Falcinella of Tishman Construction Co., vice president; Nancy Chavel of Cal-Air Conditioning Service, recording secretary; Patty Jacobs of PFJ Construction, corresponding secretary, and Linda Bolden of Davidson & McKinly, treasurer.

Directors are: Carol Conrad of Weatherite, Cheryl McCauley of San Diego Air Balance, Irene O’Regan of Southern California Rapid Transit and Krista Wilkie of Golden State Precast Inc.
