Zev Yaroslavsky
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I found your story (Aug. 18) about Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky to be curiously one-diminsional. Yes, Zev is intense and driving, but he has other qualities you ignored. He is (extraoridnaryly) intelligent, compassionate to those who need a champion, devoted to his two beautiful children and surprisingly kind and gentle with his many elderly constituents.
Although Zev never shys away from battle when battle must be done, he is also adept at bringing together competing interests (homeowners and developerrs, for instance to negotiate compromises to their conflicts.
Finally, Zev is unusual in public office in his dedication to clearly defined principles. In a political arena where issues are often defined in terms of short-term benefit and “do-ability,” Zev hews strongly----some say stubbornly----to a strict standard of right and wrong. We used to call that “character.”