
‘Playing the Game of Immigration’

After reading Jose Vargas’ flight of fantasy, “Playing the Game of Immigration” (Jan. 19), it seems obvious that he should have chosen social work rather than law enforcement as a career.

Aside from the fact that he apparently has forgotten the oath of office he took, Vargas is a member of that “open border” fraternity, who are also strong advocates of selective law enforcement for illegal aliens. He has learned the “activist” line and sings it well.

From claiming that this land “morally” belongs to Mexico (American Indians no doubt would argue the point), to denouncing immigration law in general, Vargas tries to justify his position with such outlandish claims as the flood tide of illegals coming here has prevented other Cubas from arising and that illegal aliens will go home when conditions improve despite ample evidence to the contrary.


But he goes a step beyond reality when he claims that illegal aliens have a “right” to come here and work. He likewise isn’t speaking for the vast majority when he makes such ludicrous statements as “enforcement of immigration laws run contrary to the idea of fair play and proper use of police procedures.”

Incidentally, this is the rule of law and as such an extension of the Constitution that Vargas swore to uphold when he accepted a badge and gun.

Vargas tries to discredit INS by saying the “American system of justice” should be followed. He knows full well that it is.


Many border-jumpers are prosecuted, but with the millions attempting entry it is impossible to prosecute all due to limited resources.

Furthermore, aliens are given the Miranda warning, and they have the right to bail and a trial.

There is one big ray of hope in this entire matter. Fortunately, 99% of Vargas’ fellow police officers do not agree with him.



Regional Commissioner, Immigration and Naturalization Service
