
Paramount : Anti-Gang Program to Air

In a pilot project scheduled to start next month, the city will use cable television to bring its innovative anti-gang program for 10- and 11-year-olds to two elementary school classrooms in the Paramount Unified School District.

If the project is successful, the program will be expanded to four other elementary schools in the district during the 1986-87 school year, said Pat West, director of the city’s Human Services Department.

Videotape equipment and television monitors, which were purchased for $19,900, are expected to be installed by early March in the classrooms at Lincoln and Roosevelt schools, West said.


The anti-gang program will be televised over the city’s cable system, Rodgers Cable Television Systems of Garden Grove, West said.

Students will be able to ask questions and get answers by using television monitors that allow communication with Tony Ostos, project instructor, and his assistant, Armando Raigosa.
