
Land Developers and Moorpark

On Feb. 3 the Moorpark City Council again demonstrated that it finds it much easier to say “no” to the voters of Moorpark than to outside developers and land speculators.

In approving the Griffin proposal, the council maintained its unblemished record of giving developers whatever they want. In the case of Griffin, the approval included OKing a general plan amendment that not only resulted in a huge increase in density but also a fundamental change in the conceptual use of those 254 acres.

There’s an enormous difference in the character of land developed in one-acre minimums, the current general plan designation, and just another housing tract which is what Griffin asked for and got. I want to commend Councilman Ferguson for casting the only dissenting vote.


On the other hand, the council found it very easy to say “no” to the 994 people who signed petitions in support of the Managed Growth Initiative.

The council could have passed the ordinance on the basis of this overwhelmingly positive statement by the people. Instead, they voted unanimously to oppose it. They then could have placed the ordinance on the June ballot, as requested. Instead, they voted, again unanimously, to delay it until November.

A reason given for forcing the voters of Moorpark to wait an additional and unnecessary five months was to give the council time to enter into developer agreements which would subvert the intent of the ordinance and defy the will of the people.


So we’ll be voting on the ordinance in November instead of June. Keep in mind that two members of the present City Council may be running for reelection in November.


