
More Wins Required Away From the Field in College Athletics

In the last year, sports fans have seen a spate of athletes who violate the law. We have seen universities toss aside academic integrity so that they are able to profit from someone’s athletic ability. Yet, there has been a noticeable quiet on the part of sportswriters regarding these problems; the exception being the Los Angeles Times and its writers, Mike Downey, Scott Ostler and Jim Murray.

These three writers have attempted to place sports in proper perspective. Athletes who commit crimes should be prosecuted, and universities that forget academics for sports should be penalized. It is important that these writers continue to point out the realities of sport, so we can show our children that it should be held accountable for its excesses. Sweeping the negatives of sport under the rug by attempting to ignore them will never get them resolved in a proper manner.

The Los Angeles Times also deserves credit for allowing its writers freedom to present quality material, instead of puff pieces.



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