
Local News in Brief : Sierra Canyon School Wins Scholastic Honor

For the fourth consecutive year, Sierra Canyon School, a small Chatsworth private school, has taken top honors in the Southwest regional competition for the California Junior Scholarship Federation, the state’s junior high honor society.

This year, Scott Carness received the state’s highest scholastic honor for junior high students in Greater Los Angeles.

Carness, a ninth-grader who will attend Chatsworth High School next year, has maintained a grade average of 3.93 of a possible 4.0. He has won awards in the National Academic Olympics in English and Science and was one of the organizers of a campuswide drive to collect canned food for needy families.


Carness says he would like to be a dentist and play guitar in a rock band.

In the past four years, six of the eight Junior CSF Southwest regional winners have come from Sierra Canyon.
