
Quake Shakes Mexico City; Residents Take to Streets

From Reuters

An earthquake early today caused panic reminiscent of the September, 1985, disaster and sent thousands of city center residents rushing into the streets in their bedclothes but caused little damage and no injuries, police said.

The quake, estimated at 6.5 on the Richter scale, struck about 12:10 a.m. and lasted just over a minute. It was felt in Houston, 1,000 miles away.

The official Notimex news agency said the city was hit by three tremors, ranging between 4.8 and 6.5 Richter degrees with epicenters off the Pacific coast states of Michoacan and Guerrero. Puerta Vallarta and Acapulco are in that region.


That was roughly the same spot where last year’s earthquake began, sending shock waves along the soft ground heading directly east to the capital.

Although brief, today’s quake rattled buildings and broke several panes of glass in what was for many nervous residents a frightening reminder of the 8.1 quake that killed up to 10,000 people and left 30,000 homeless. Dozens of buildings collapsed.

Emergency services said electricity supply to some areas of the city was interrupted.
