
Santa Ana

Latino Educators Honored: Seven Latino educators have been honored for their work by the Santa Ana chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens. The awards will be presented at a banquet on June 7 at the Saddleback Inn. Rancho Santiago College President Robert Jensen will be the keynote speaker. The seven to be honored are Andrew Hernandez, assistant principal at Santa Ana High School; counselors Belina Esparza of Spurgeon Intermediate, Isaac Guzman of Rancho Santiago College and Daniel Ramirez of Centennial Education Center, and teachers Molly Lopez of Hoover Elementary, Rudy Lozano, Spurgeon Intermediate and Pat Granados of Santa Ana High. Tickets at $25 each can be obtained by calling either (714) 543-8366 or 542-9348. Proceeds will be channeled into LULAC’s Hispanic Scholarship Fund.
