
Officer Gives Stork Some Help

A Garden Grove policeman Wednesday helped deliver a baby boy whose mother didn’t make it to the hospital in time.

Officer Neil Toll, 27, was in the vicinity of the 9800 block of Garden Grove Boulevard at about 8 a.m. when he heard a paramedic broadcast about a woman giving birth, according to Sgt. Jack Ray.

Calamanda Sandoval, 42, and her husband had stopped their car to telephone for help, Ray said, and when Toll arrived he assisted in the birth, which happened in the car, until paramedics arrived.


“We’ve all seen the films in training about what to do and learned about it in first aid,” Ray said. “But I sure wouldn’t want to do it.”

The mother and baby, which was her ninth child, were taken to a nearby hospital and were reported in good condition.
