
Defends Architects

Your May 4 article on architect Ward Deems and the convention center issues (“Architects Jolted by Rising Convention Center Costs”) appears, in most respects, to be a fair account of the current situation and the Deems/Lewis & Partners participation.

However, to ensure a fair balance in the story, one important point should have been more emphasized. Both Ward Deems and Bill Lewis are men who, for all the years they have practiced architecture, have conducted themselves in accordance with the highest ethical and professional standards of our profession. They have dedicated all of their efforts toward the making of fine architecture for our city.

The problem the Deems/Lewis firm now finds itself in is complex and not easily understood by either the public or the politicians who, all too often, look for simplistic answers. In fairness, therefore, it is important that the public know that these architects are men of integrity, to counter any impression that they are not.


The fact is that people of great skill and high standards can, under extremely complex circumstances and not altogether of their own making, find themselves taking an undeserved share of the blame. It is just possible that this is the case here.


San Diego
