
Clarke Heads Construction Research Unit

John J. Clarke, president of Clarke Contracting Corp. of Compton, has been elected president of the Construction Industry Research Board. Clarke, who represents the Southern California Assn. of Contractors on the CIRB, succeeds James Halverson, president of J. A. James Construction Co.

Jack Oechsel of Sam Cal Corp. was elected first vice president; Ben Earl of O. K. Earl Corp., second vice president; Roger Werbel of Roger C. Werbel Inc., third vice president; Jack McCormick of McCormick Construction, treasurer, and Gregory Antonovich of George Miller Construction Co., secretary.

The Construction Industry Research Board was established in 1974 as a research center and library serving the needs of the California construction industry. Information and library services are available for business and industry, government and the public at large.


The CIRB is funded entirely by grants from from construction industry advancement funds. Offices are located at 2509 Empire Ave. in Burbank.
