
American Aid to the Contras

The apologists in this country for the Sandinistas hold no moral high ground. Their transparent rationalization for the leftist Nicaraguan government--promoting censorship, welcoming Soviet military operatives, accepting aid from Libya, expelling religious prelates, or nearly annihilating an entire Indian tribe--clearly exposes their true sentiments.

According to them, the Sandinistas are merely (and justifiably so) reacting to naked U.S. imperialism.

These self-righteous people share one common agenda. They automatically and systematically distrust the United States. In fact, oddly enough, they apparently disbelieve the often liberal U.S. news media when it comes to certain facts about Daniel Ortega’s less-than-blameless Central American regime.


While these people have the constitutional right to speak out, frankly, this misplaced loyalty has become somewhat tiresome. If anything is more repugnant than never finding fault with your country’s unwise policies, it is to always take sides against your own nation and to often embrace that beacon of liberty, Pravda, and its totally unbiased point of view.

No, there’s no moral high ground here, only stale propaganda from the far-left.


