
South Laguna : Water Engineer Named to South Coast Board

Edward A. LaBahn, an engineer whose experience includes water projects throughout the world, was recently named to the South Coast County Water District board of directors, according to assistant manager Linda Jones.

LaBahn, who was appointed by the board June 27, fills the unexpired term of Harold E. Edwards, who resigned in May. LaBahn may seek an additional four-year term in a districtwide election in November, 1987, Jones said.

A resident of South Laguna, LaBahn has more than 25 years of experience in water resources, supply, sanitation and drainage. He spent several years on water projects for developing countries in Africa and Asia. Currently, he is a consultant for California public agencies and the World Bank.


The water district serves unincorporated areas of South Laguna, coastal areas of Laguna Niguel and parts of Dana Point.
