
2 Theaters Under Construction on Roof of the Beverly Center

Two 500-seat theaters are being built on the roof of the Beverly Center as part of the Cineplex Odeon movie theater complex, according to a spokeswoman for the Toronto-based company.

Construction will be completed by mid-1987, she said.

Three of the current 14 theaters, which have 1,191 seats in screening rooms ranging in size from 70 to 150 seats, will be removed to make room for a stairway to the new theaters, the spokeswoman said.

The new seat total depends on which theaters are removed and is not immediately available, she said.


The lobby will be remodeled to provide access to the 11 theaters that will remain on the top floor of the mall, while a new rooftop lobby will lead to the 500-seat theaters, she said.

The movie theaters at the Beverly Center “have been extremely successful from the day they opened in 1982,” the spokeswoman said. “It has always been our intention to expand, and now we are doing so.”

Cineplex Odeon also opened a three-theater complex on Fairfax Avenue in May and operates movie theaters in Hollywood, Santa Monica and Century City.
