
Schmitz’s Legal Costs

I am outraged that the Senate voted to pay the $20,000 settlement, in addition to the legal costs, for John Schmitz in Gloria Allred’s suit against him. I understand the law whereby a state senator is given immunity from legal expenses should he be faced with a lawsuit during his term in office, but I don’t believe that the decision made, to also pay for his settlement, is the intent of that law.

John Schmitz should be personally responsible for the results of his inappropriate behavior. I believe that the voters of the state of California should not pay for his actions nor should the state Senate vote on reimbursement without taking it to the people of the state.

It appears that John Schmitz has come out of this situation totally unscarred, and undamaged. Gloria Allred did not accept a small settlement to have the people of California penalized, rather to make an important point about the tactics of the man John Schmitz, as well as pointing out that women are not always treated fairly.


The state Senate has defeated Allred’s purpose.

What a shame that Schmitz can walk away with no punishment, while we, the voting public, get “taken to the cleaners” by our own state Senate. This is an irregular and disturbing action taken by the Senate and smacks of “an old boy conspiracy.”

Our senators are elected officials and are unwise to come to such a controversial decision without assurance from their constituencies.

The senators must reexamine their decision, and if they do not, perhaps they had better be concerned about reelection.



