
U.S.-Soviet Daniloff Trade

Virtually everyone has agreed that Nicholas Daniloff was arrested and detained in order to secure the release of the Russian spy Gennady Zakharov. Our President, our other leaders, and the media have all stated this to be the precise purpose for Daniloff’s retention, and we have all said he was framed simply for the Russians to secure the release of their own.

The real tragedy is the Russians got their way 100%. One more time they achieve exactly their stated goal, exchanging Daniloff for their arrested spy.

What seems incomprehensible to me is that our trusted leaders just do not tell the truth. If our leaders say under no circumstances will they succumb to the very obvious frame-up of Daniloff, they should do just that. Otherwise, they should keep their mouths shut and give in.


It is no wonder that the Russians and other world leaders really have little reason to accept our leaders’ statements as the truth.


Newport Beach
