
‘Support for the Justices’

Congratulations! Your editorial was courageous and written in a true objective manner. Thank God there is at least one voice in the media, one opinion that calls attention to the most important fact in this entire reconfirmation and election of this high court, i.e., that the judiciary is and always must remain the stabilizing force in our great system of government and the California Supreme Court must always be free to enforce justice even when it is unpopular. It is the only way it can be.

Gov. Deukmejian is dead wrong in attacking this system for the express purpose of nominating and loading the court with his handpicked clones.

How rotten can politics get? I hope all his efforts backlash against him and that he loses the election, primarily because of his personal vendetta against Rose Bird.


I would also like to censure Mayor Tom Bradley, Sen. Alan Cranston and others for their lack of support and their silence on this very important issue.

Justices Bird, Grodin, Edward Panelli, Malcolm Lucas, Stanley Mosk, and Reynoso should be reelected to the Supreme Court. We need them to balance the scales of justice and be the stabilizing force, independent of the other political branches, the executive and the legislative.


Alta Loma
