
Father, 81, Evicted by Son in Dispute Over Rent, Abuse

An 81-year-old man, whose son had won an eviction order against him, waited until Orange County marshals arrived this morning before leaving the house he once owned.

A judge had ordered Luis Vaca Gallardo and his daughter, Lucille, 42, to vacate the house in the city of Orange by 12:01 a.m. today. But deputies found the father and daughter still home at 6:30 a.m.

Attorneys for Gallardo’s son, Felipe Vaca Hernandez, 62, said he sought the eviction because his father owes $2,620 in back rent and because Lucille Gallardo has “verbally and physically” mistreated their father.


But Lucille Gallardo has said that she has looked after her father for the last 20 years. “I’ve always looked after him. . . . No one helps my father but me.”

Most of the elder Gallardo’s other eight daughters and sons have offered him shelter in their homes, according to an attorney for Hernandez.
