
Teacher Lets Them Push Him Around

Students in Larry Voss’ classroom at the West Valley Special Education Center in Van Nuys vie for the chance to push their teacher around.

“It’s a big honor . . . to be allowed to push his wheelchair to the school bus,” said Principal Marcee Seegan. “They beam from ear to ear.”

Voss, 37, who contracted polio at age 4 and is paralyzed from the waist down, teaches emotionally disturbed 8- to 10-year-olds.


The school can be the last stop before institutionalization or a way station before returning to conventional public schools.

Besides teaching reading, mathematics and social studies, Voss shows violent students how to control tempers and administers large doses of loving care.

“He provides a very loving environment,” Seegan said. “a lot of these kids have never had anybody love them.”


Voss--who has a master’s degree in special education--has taught for seven years, and has been at West Valley since September, 1985.

Rewards--which run the gamut from simple praise to a movie and popcorn in class--provide daily incentives in Voss’ classroom. “We try to use a lot of positive reinforcement with the children,” Voss said.

On days when the frustrations outnumber the successes, Voss says he remembers one or two teachers who inspired him and hopes he can do the same for some of his students.


“If it’s not me, there may be no one else,” Voss said.
