
Insurance Body Shuns AIDS Test Issue

From a Times Staff Writer

The National Assn. of Insurance Commissioners declined to take a position Thursday on whether to encourage the insurance industry to test buyers of health and life policies for the presence of AIDS antibodies.

A report approved by the state commissioners in their final session after several days of meetings said the testing issue should be left to the individual states.

The decision was regarded as a slight victory for gay rights advocates, who have opposed insurance industry use of the tests until there is an agreement to provide coverage for those indicated by the tests to be carriers of the AIDS virus.


California Bars Tests

California is only one of three jurisdictions that prohibits use of the tests by life and health insurance companies. Wisconsin and the District of Columbia are the others. Insurance lobbying organizations have said an attempt may be made to get the California Legislature to repeal its law beginning next month.

The commissioners did give final approval Thursday to a set of national guidelines advising against questioning insurance applicants on whether they are homosexual.
