
The Uproar Among Television Preachers

Watching the bitter internecine wars between these staggeringly rich television “ministries” unfold on TV has had one profoundly beneficial lesson for all Americans: It helps us gain perspective on the religious wars that envelope such countries as Iran and Lebanon, for it is clear from the fury of the flying invective that it takes little indeed to escalate religious intolerance into outright war.

These preachers are Orwellian masters of doublespeak, where “love” translates blithely into hate, “sin” becomes anything one might disagree with, and Christ is the embodiment of conservative Republicanism--and love of the bomb.

It really is terrifying to think what would happen to civil liberties and freedoms in this country should any one of these “religions” gain a real political foothold. It does not seem far-fetched to me that America could degenerate precipitously into a religious battlefield. (Or are we already there?)


It really is astounding to one who has more than enough struggle just working out his own beliefs that these men are so glibly assured they not only have their personal salvation mapped out, they also demand that we agree with them. If not, we are quickly labeled Communists, un-American or degenerate.

Watching all this fury and acrimony, oddly enough, brings to mind the saddest and briefest verse in the New Testament:

Jesus wept.


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