
Torrance : Military Parade Saturday

Torrance’s 28th Armed Forces Day Parade will begin at 1 p.m. Saturday, proceeding along Torrance Boulevard from the downtown area west to the Civic Center Complex.

Lt. Gen. D’Wayne Gray, commanding general of the Pacific Fleet Marine Force and commander of the Pacific Marine Corps bases, will be grand marshal.

Torrance, which has enthusiastically backed the parade, is the smallest of eight cities that the Department of Defense officially supports as sites for Armed Forces Day observance. The others are New York, Atlanta, San Antonio, Denver, Chicago, Seattle and San Francisco.


The parade is sponsored by the City Council and the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce. Torrance Police Capt. James M. Weyant is the coordinator.

In addition to the parade, military equipment will be on display today through Sunday at Del Amo Fashion Center.
