

The Letters to The Times (Sept. 18) contained a number of attacks upon your paper for the full-page ad by the National Rifle Assn. on Sept. 10. I, too, was very surprised that you accepted it since your paper has repeatedly shown itself to be opposed to the NRA. As one whose money probably helped pay for the ad, I am grateful you allowed a view different than yours be presented to the public.

Self-defense is exactly what it says, defense of self. It should not be equated with vigilantism or taking the law into your own hands. To deny people the ability to possess and carry a firearm is to deny them the practical means to defend against the criminals in our society.

The decision on whether to attempt to defend oneself and or to own a firearm should be made by informed citizens. To be informed is to be aware of all sides of an issue. To censor the NRA is to admit your views will not stand up on their own merit.


Those advocating such censorship not only don’t trust the public with firearms, they don’t trust the public to make decisions based on debate in the public forum either. I do not trust such people.


Twentynine Palms
