
Killer Isn’t the Whale

Since Sea World has been so remiss about protecting its human trainers, one can only imagine how much concern and care has been given to the other animals in their “employ” who work without consent or the benefit of any legal job protections.

The deplorable situation for all performing animals at Sea World, demonstrated by high mortality rates for aquatic animals and poor work standards for trainers and other employees, can be solely attributed to Sea World making economics their first and only priority.

Firing VIPs, changing show formats and lofty rhetoric about promoting education before entertainment represent the “Band-Aid approach” to treating only some of the symptoms but will have no significant effect on the disease at Sea World.


The same disease plagues zoos, factory farms, research labs, tropical rain forests, and, indeed, threatens the very fabric of our environment: exploitation, for profit, piously conducted in the name of “scientific advancement” or “progress,” but at the expense of human character, health and ultimately the survival of our planet.

Sea World’s tunnel vision is penny wise and pound foolish, and no real improvements will be made until the real killer is recognized and he is not the whale.


