
Bush Ahead in GOP Survey in Wisconsin

Associated Press

Vice President George Bush led Kansas Sen. Bob Dole, 48% to 22%, in a presidential preference survey among people who said they intend to vote in Wisconsin’s Republican primary, the Milwaukee Sentinel reported.

In the Dec. 8-14 telephone survey, 156 of the 1,100 adults questioned said they intend to vote in the April 5 race. Bush and Dole were followed by New York Rep. Jack Kemp with 4%, former television evangelist Pat Robertson and former Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. at 3% each and former Delaware Gov. Pierre S. (Pete) du Pont IV with 1%.

Eighteen percent were undecided and 1% favored candidates not on the survey list, the newspaper reported Friday.


In the state’s 1980 Republican primary, Bush received 30% of the vote to 40% for Ronald Reagan.
