
Gang Problems in Los Angeles

I would like to congratulate the Los Angeles Times and staff writer Frederick M. Muir for taking a giant step forward in its reporting of the gang slaying of wheelchair-bound Alma Lee Washington (Metro, Feb. 11).

The publicity regarding gang-shooting tragedies all over the city, including in South-Central, has recently served to inflame many people. But people should know about the evil gangsters in our communities, and we in the public sector seek their support in order to apprehend these criminals.

In every celebrated case the media have highlighted, such as the 9-year-old boy killed by a stray bullet during a drive-by shooting at a city park, the woman shot down in church, and the woman struck down by gang gunfire in Westwood, the media have played a significant role in disseminating information about these heinous acts of murder. I am sure their support has helped in the successful apprehension of the killers.



Los Angeles City Councilman

10th District
