
Colors Fallout

Regarding the “Colors” package of articles (April 24): It amuses me to no end when I read all these esoteric comments from sociologists, professional critics, a lawyer (John Huerta) and a poet (Wanda Coleman, who totally lost me with her poetic ramblings). Quite obviously, they are reading things into “Colors” that aren’t there.

“Colors” is simply a movie, produced to entertain the public and to make money, nothing more. Investors did not back this movie just so that the director and producer can make a social statement.

Huerta writes: “ ‘Colors’ has nothing positive to contribute as role models for thousands of Latinos and black youths. . . .” If I want to be educated about the gang problem, I’ll watch the news, read the newspaper, and watch PBS. But when I go to a movie and plunk down $6, I want to be entertained!



Temple City
