
Local News in Brief : Gonorrhea Drops Sharply

Gonorrhea infections have dropped dramatically in Los Angeles County as a result of an aggressive treatment campaign, health officials said. But they are concerned about a difficult-to-treat gonorrhea strain that is increasing nationally.

Cases of all strains of gonorrhea declined from 59,387 in 1985 to 52,604 in 1986. Last year, cases dropped to 38,248 and only 6,634 cases have been reported in the first quarter of this year.

“I think it is important that Los Angeles County not become lax with the treatment strategies and . . . ensure that we can continue these treatments, which have been extended through April of 1989,” said Sharon Katz, assistant director of the county Health Department’s sexually transmitted disease program.


Health officials are especially concerned about transmission of a strain known as penicillinase-producing neisseria gonorrhea, PPNG, imported into the United States from the Far East in the 1970s. The bacterial infection is resistant to penicillin because it produces an enzyme that successfully neutralizes the antibiotic.

PPNG cases have been on the rise, with 489 in 1985, 942 in 1986 and 1,495 last year. However, officials report a 64% reduction in PPNG for the first quarter this year contrasted with the same period in 1987.
