
A Special Meaning

I could have written the article “A Peak Experience” (July 10) by Ruth O. Runzo on Zermatt, Switzerland. I have a wonderful feeling for it. My husband, John, and I were there three years ago--he always has had a height phobia and also has had a heart problem.

I love mountains the way Runzo does and said to John I wanted to go to the top of Klein Matterhorn. I suggested he stay at the bottom and read a book or just enjoy the beauty of the area and the people. He said he would go with me to the top. I figured that if it became too much for him, he could stop at one of the landings. However, he went all the way up. He sat on a bench on top in the sun while I roamed and took photographs.

One the way down I was so grateful to have had my camera with me because in the small gondola at the bottom he looked at me with a big smile and said: “I’m not afraid anymore.” Now I have the photo and glorious memories. So you see why the article meant so much to me.



Beverly Hills
