
Michael Landon’s name is prominent in the...

Michael Landon’s name is prominent in the credits for NBC’s “Highway to Heaven.” The series is a Michael Landon production. Landon is also executive producer, and he has written and directed about one-third of the episodes in the four seasons the show has been on the air (Wednesdays at 8 p.m.).

And, of course, he also stars in the family-oriented series, playing an angel who with his partner (Victor French) travels the highways of the country to help those in need.

“I hope our show makes people feel better about their fellow man, and I’d like to think it prompts people to make an effort to be a little nicer to one another,” Landon says of his series. He continues to wear all those hats for “Highway,” which will be back on NBC in the fall for a fifth year of 13 episodes.
