
Barring of Amnesty International From the Orange International Street Fair

In a move more befitting a Soviet dictatorship than a free democracy, the Orange International Street Fair Committee has shown its true colors by refusing Amnesty International a booth in the upcoming Street Fair.

The recent Orange Centennial illustrates the city’s penchant for displaying the American flag. This proud banner symbolizes the freedom that Nobel Prize-winning Amnesty International pursues tirelessly around the world using a weapon no mightier than the pen.

Apparently, the Fair Committee feels the right to ingest greasy “ethnic” foods and purchase swap meet-quality trinkets overrides the importance of human rights and free speech.


If Mayor Jess Perez cannot be persuaded to reverse the committee’s decision, I suggest boycotting the Street Fair by all “people of conscience” and renaming the event the Orange International Street Unfair.


