
Bergeson Plans Seminars on Managing Growth

<i> Times Staff Writer</i>

State Sen. Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach) plans to assemble 100 authorities at four seminars, including one in Orange County, to discuss the management of growth in California.

Julie Froeberg, Bergeson’s chief of staff, said the senator has drafted a research paper titled “The New Regionalism” that outlines the problems to be discussed by seminar participants.

The purpose of “The New Regionalism,” according to the senator’s report, is to allow local governments to participate in regional growth decisions.


One seminar, which will include 26 Orange County authorities on transportation, development and housing, will be held in Irvine on Oct. 5, Froeberg said. That same week, other participants will attend seminars in Los Angeles, Sacramento and Berkeley.

There has been criticism that Bergeson’s aim is to discourage anti-growth initiatives throughout California, but Froeberg said that is not the purpose of the seminars.

“This is not to react to anti-growth movements but to take a look at how we can manage growth,” she said. “This is clearly an effort to look at different perspectives and to have better planning.”


Froeberg said the 26 Orange County participants have not been invited. She said a letter asking for their participation will be mailed this week. They include:

- Tom Blum, executive vice president of the Santa Margarita Co.

- Dave Celestin, vice president of planning and local government relations of the Mission Viejo Co.

- John Erskine, mayor of Huntington Beach and executive director of the Orange County Building Industry Assn.


- Bruce Nestande, former county supervisor and vice president of Arnel Development Co.

- Gordon J. Fielding, UC Irvine professor of social sciences and director of the Institute of Traffic Studies.

- Bob Fisher, director of the Orange County Environmental Management Agency’s planning division.

- James P. Reichert, general manager of the Orange County Transit District

- Lucien Truhill, county Chamber of Commerce president.
