
San Diego

Innocent pleas were entered Monday by three people charged with conspiring to defraud a San Diego optical-services firm by siphoning funds allegedly used to establish two similar companies in which they had a financial interest.

The defendants are accused of using EyeCare USA Inc. money to finance start-up costs for Special Vision Services Inc., formed to market group optical plans, and TopCare Inc., created to provide optical benefits.

U.S. Magistrate Harry McCue set bail at $25,000 for for Elliott F. Kusel, 54, of La Jolla, who was EyeCare’s executive vice president when the two new companies were formed.


Kusel, whose EyeCare contract included loyalty and non-competition clauses, allegedly traveled nationwide soliciting business for the new firms while paying for those trips with EyeCare funds. Prosecutors say Kusel was named president of TopCare, and had a hidden half-ownership in Special Vision Services.

Bail was set at $10,000 for Kusel’s son, Marc, 31, of Mission Viejo and Cheryl E. Fyten, 44, of San Diego. All defendants also are charged with mail fraud and wire fraud.
