
Saddle Up!

Crew members of the Enterprise are headin’ for the frontier--the kind with horses, saloons and shoot-outs! OK, so the horses are blue. And the shoot-outs are with phaser guns. This frontier happens to be on Nimbus 3--a kind of “border planet”/neutral zone to otherwise warring types like Klingons, Romulans and Federation folk.

We’re talking Paramount’s “Star Trek V: The Final Frontier,” now in its fourth week of shooting. The “Old West” scenes just wrapped out in the Mojave Desert under the direction of William Shatner--who’s doubling as Captain Kirk, doing his own ridin’ and stunts.

The story line: The once garden-like Nimbus has become an ecological disaster--”like a bad ‘Mad Max’ set,” is how one Trekkie tipster put it. There’s insurrection among the planet’s workers. And the Enterprise gang at one points blasts off from Nimbus 3 in pursuit of one mean alien named Cybok.


Meanwhile, a wild story line for another much-awaited sequel: Columbia’s “Ghostbusters II”--to shoot later this month under director Ivan Reitman--has our fearless heroes facing their most demented adversary ever ! He’s despotic, sadistic, Vigo the Carpathian!

The warlock’s spirit lives in his self-portrait, hanging at NYC’s Museum of Modern Art. But Vigo needs a human body to inhabit. A creepy artist becomes mesmerized by the painting--and the weirdest things start happening in Gotham.

Who they gonna call? C’mon!

Meanwhile, Venkeman (Bill Murray) is hosting TV’s “World of the Psychic,” and doing guest stints at kiddie parties with his ghost-busting pals--and one tyke whines that he’d rather have Bozo!
