
Cancel Your Dinner Plans

The check is in the mail.

For the fifth straight year, the San Diego County Postal Customer Council, an alliance of business people and postal officials, is presenting a $20-a-plate Christmas buffet Dec. 7 at the main post office on Midway Drive.

The lure: You Get to See Christmas Mail Being Processed!

The P.O. is proud of how it handles the holiday crush of 12 million pieces of mail a day (up from 8 million the rest of the year). And it’s not afraid of having mail sorting join sausage grinding and lawmaking as things you should never, never watch.

“I’ve never had anyone who has seen our operation be anything but totally floored and impressed,” said Darla Felsburg, manager of merchandising and promotion for the U.S. Postal Service here. “To know us is not to hate us, contrary to popular belief.”
