
Legal Abortions and Other Choices

With regard to the letters about abortion in your Feb. 19 paper:

Legalized abortion is the most painful reminder that we live in a society determined to avoid the consequences of its actions. If there’s a way to escape, then take it. Because someone can’t “afford” the financial responsibility--the baby must die. Because the pregnancy is merely inconvenient--the baby must die. The list of “reasons” goes on. The number of murdered babies goes up.

Two considerations for this, to save lives and our society:

* A re-education program. Teach this generation the value of human life through our example. Teach abstinence as the most effective form of birth control.

* Take all the money used for legalized abortion and put it toward havens for mothers who will either keep their babies or give them over for adoption. No more unnecessary killing. No more surgical coat-hanger stories. (I would willingly support even an increase in taxes for this purpose).



Mission Viejo
