
REST BETS : Something Cozy, Something Wild

If you’re in the mood for tasting and walking, consider going W.I.L.D. (Naturalist Suzanne Swedo refuses to reveal the meaning of her self-made acronym--”I’ve heard some very creative guesses,” she says.) Swedo leads groups on what she calls Edible Wild Plant Walks through the Santa Monica Mountains and the San Gabriels on most Saturdays and Sundays through the middle of May. I tasted wild mustard and fennel, sampled Swedo’s own gathered, hulled and baked Native American acorn bread and smelled the unforgettably vanilla scented Jeffrey Pine.

W.I.L.D., Edible Wild Plant Walks, P.O. Box 4887, Los Angeles, 90048. One walk, per person, $17. Call (213) 474-7690.
