
South Gate : Police to Keep $215,000 From Narcotics Raid

The South Gate Police Department will receive $215,000 as its share of assets seized in a narcotics raid with other law enforcement agencies.

The department assisted members of the Regional Narcotics Suppression Program, which includes various Orange County law enforcement agencies, in a Feb. 10, 1987, raid in the city. The raid led to the arrest of three people and the recovery of $5,453,624 and 18 pounds of heroin in South Gate and Riverside County.

Federal law allows law enforcement agencies to seize assets taken in narcotics trafficking cases. South Gate will receive its share along with the other participants at a 10:30 a.m. ceremony April 27 at the Westin South Coast Plaza hotel in Costa Mesa.


Police Chief Ronald George said the money will be used in prevention and enforcement projects.

George said $50,000 will be used to start an anti-gang program for fourth- and fifth-grade students at the city’s nine elementary schools and one junior high school. About 4,000 students will be affected. Counselors from the county Juvenile Assistance Diversion Effort will run the program.

The remaining $165,000 will be used to expand the department’s Crime Impact Team, which concentrates on gang problems and car thefts, from a five-day operation to seven days a week. A sergeant and eight officers make up the team.
