
Actors and Ethnicity

“War and Peace on Vietnam Film Front” (by Daniel Cerone, April 29) included comments by actress Kieu Chinh, a technical adviser on “War Story,” quoted as saying: “I am careful to make sure Vietnamese are presented accurately. On ‘War Story’ we use only Vietnamese actors. Other television shows and films use Japanese and Chinese to portray Vietnamese.”

As a board member of the Assn. of Asian Pacific American Artists (AAPAA), an organization working to improve the image of Asian-Americans in the media as well as speaking out on issues regarding the Asian-American acting community, I feel another, more pervasive viewpoint should be heard.

AAPAA has long contended that as long as an Asian-American actor represents his/her role accurately, one should not be disqualified on the basis of ethnic origin for a part. Caucasian actors are cast for roles not on the basis of their actual heritage but their acting ability and/or box office appeal--even to the point of playing Asians in “yellowface.”


Conveying a character realistically is the responsibility of the actor, with the assistance of the production company’s judicious employment of technical advisers such as Ms. Chinh.


Co-Chair of Advocacy Committee, AAPAA

Los Angeles
