
Hate Crimes Directed at Homosexuals

In last Sunday’s (May 28) Times, the prescient Commentary (“Why Hate Crimes Against Gays Should Be Everybody’s Nightmare”) provides a gratifying juxtaposition to a letter (on the opposite page) wherein one reads such--among other--inanities as “the opposite sex is terrifying as it is” and “only by keeping sexual perversities in the closet,” etc.

George Kennan, in his recent literary masterpiece, gives us an observation so pertinent as a perspective on such as the subject quotes--”For one of the keys to the understanding of the human predicament is the recognition that there is, for the human individual, no reality--no comprehensible and useful reality, at any rate--other than that of an object as perceived by the human eye and the human mind. All that we see around us may be considered to some extent as a part of ourselves, the reflection of our own astigmatisms.”

The “perceptions” of the referenced letter writer must emanate from a seemingly deranged mind: pitiful.



Yorba Linda
