
Gas Recovery System OKd for Lopez Canyon

The Los Angeles Planning Commission on Thursday approved installation of a gas-recovery system and flare station at Lopez Canyon Landfill that will prevent the release of dangerous gases from the dump.

In approving the station 4 to 1, the commission stipulated that the equipment must not be visible to the surrounding community or passing cars, planning officials said.

Lopez Canyon, the city’s only remaining public landfill, must install the system by early July under regulations of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, officials said.


The landfill accepts more than half of the 7,000 tons of household rubbish produced in Los Angeles daily.

The system is expected to prevent problems associated with leaks of trash-related gases such as methane. Two landfill workers fainted and four others complained of nausea and headaches after uncovering a batch of 1982 trash in March. Residents around the landfill have also complained about odors from the dump.
