
More Drug Abusers Saying Yes to Cattle Rustling

Times Staff Writer

More cattle are being stolen in California during the 1980s than were rustled at the turn of the century, according to a meat industry publication.

In 1988, for instance, 2,400 animals were purloined by cattle thieves from 240 livestock firms, Lean Trimmings, a Western States Meat Assn. newsletter, reported. Losses from these cow capers are estimated at about $1 million annually.

State officials believe that the drug problem is partially to blame for the increase in thefts.


“(With) the rise in beef prices . . . a wayward cow starts to look pretty inviting to (the) drug-crazed,” the newsletter stated. “The $200 an addict can get on the street for a cow is more than enough to support most habits (for a day).”

The escalating cattle rustling has caused the state’s Department of Food and Agriculture to create a special Livestock Enforcement Unit. Oddly enough, California was forced to establish a similar anti-crime squad in 1917 when problems with stolen steers last arose, Lean Trimmings reports.

Absconding with a cow, however, is not as easy as pilfering a car stereo. Police familiar with the problem believe that some of the disappearances are the work of cowhands.


“It requires a great deal of equipment and knowledge of the cattle industry to steal the animals. These ‘inside outlaws’ often alter the cow’s brands and ear markings, transport them across state lines and sell them to unknowing buyers,” according to the newsletter.

But as is the case with virtually all kinds of thefts within the state, officials predict that there will be more rustling than ever in 1989.

Picking a Pepper--Few people look at bell peppers as a rich source of nutrients, but an Indio, Calif.-based company hopes to change that perception with a series of recent advertisements promoting its hybrid variety trademarked as Le Rouge Royale.


The sweet red peppers, developed by Sun World International, are said to be a superior source of Vitamin C, potassium and fiber. The vegetables, each of which is tagged with the company’s distinctive sticker, are also comparatively high in other nutrients.

The innovative agricultural firm, which introduced a seedless watermelon last year, claims that laboratory tests demonstrate Le Rouge Royale contains far more Vitamin C than a navel orange.

The analysis, conducted by the Produce Marketing Assn. in Newark, Del., was reviewed for authenticity by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Because the Le Rouge Royale are generally oversized, only about three-fourths the size of an average pepper, or five ounces, was used for the tests.

The findings indicate that five ounces of the Sun World pepper offer 180% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C. By comparison, a navel orange has 100% of the recommended amount and a whole green bell pepper has 130% of the target level.

The disparity is similar for potassium. Researchers found that five ounces of Le Rouge Royale contained 350 milligrams of the mineral, while a banana had 300 milligrams and a green bell pepper contained 270 milligrams.


The analysis revealed that the deep red vegetable was also a good source of fiber. For instance, one bowl of bran flakes contains five grams of fiber whereas three-fourths of a Le Rouge Royale has as much as four grams.

Sun World developed its red pepper strain by combining other varieties such as the Bell, Cubanella and Bulgarian. The mixture is responsible for the Le Rouge Royale’s distinctive color, size and shape.

Although Sun World is decidedly proud of the Le Rouge Royale’s nutritional composition, it has no plans to market a red pepper breakfast juice at this time. Even so, the firm recommends munching on its peppers as a “healthy snack.”

Meal or Pills?--Nutritional-supplement manufacturers were not cheered when a federal advisory body urged Americans to obtain their recommended daily allotment of vitamins and minerals from food rather than tablets.

The 1,300-page study from the National Research Council, released earlier this year, generated considerable news coverage for seemingly advocating a “no pills” dietary regimen.

But the report’s intent was somewhat misinterpreted, according to the Tufts University Diet & Nutrition Letter. There were a number of instances where the council did, in fact, say that nutritional supplements were appropriate, the newsletter states.


Among groups considered potentially deficient in certain vitamins or minerals are pregnant women, strict vegetarians, women who suffer from excessive menstrual bleeding, the elderly, and sick individuals whose appetites are depressed. Certain medications may also cause deficiencies, the Diet & Nutrition Letter reported.

“Of course, none of this means that popping a vitamin or mineral pill should be viewed as a panacea for a poor diet or that taking excess amounts of one or another nutrient is a healthful practice,” the newsletter stated.

Those who regularly consume vitamin or mineral megadoses may actually be placing themselves at risk. Large amounts of Vitamin A, for instance, can lead to liver damage. On this topic, the Diet & Nutrition Letter endorsed the NRC’s advisory that consumers avoid taking supplements in excess of the daily recommended amount.

“Sometimes taking one a day, under the guidance of a physician or dietitian, is a called-for step to take,” the newsletter stated.

Tomato’s Changing Times--Just as the red pepper is apparently undergoing an evolution, so is the tomato. In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is advising consumers to alter home canning methods to accommodate the modern tomato’s characteristics.

Of particular importance is that the fruit today is “fleshier,” or contains more pulp than in the past. As a result, tomatoes require additional acidity and processing time in order to ensure a safe product.


The revised canning guidelines now call for two tablespoons of lemon juice per quart of home-canned tomatoes rather than only two teaspoons.

Processing time is also doubled, from 15 minutes to 30 minutes for the hot-water bath, or when the tomatoes are sealed in jars and then placed in boiling water.

A UC Davis researcher, familiar with the recent recommendations, supported the changes.

“If these guidelines are followed (then) canned tomatoes will be very safe,” said Kathryn Boor, UC Davis food scientist. “There’s no reason to be gun-shy about home-canned tomatoes.”

The precautions are necessary because tomatoes, as is true with any raw agricultural product, may contain bacteria. The pathogens, if given the proper conditions to thrive, could multiply and contaminate the food.

Seasoning Statistics--While red peppers are more nutritious and tomatoes are fleshier, herbs are becoming fresher, according to recent federal statistics.

This segment of the produce industry is, in fact, booming. The USDA reported that the fresh-herb market in 1987 totaled about 28.8 million pounds, an increase of 58% in just five years.


The rise has prompted the agency to begin charting sales of fresh herbs in the same manner that other produce items are analyzed for national production totals.

Some of the herbs to be included in the ongoing government survey are anise, basil, chervil, chives, cilantro, rosemary, sorrel, tarragon and watercress, according to the Packer, a trade journal.
