
Car Kills Girl, 8, on Sidewalk; Driver Held

A car driven by a suspected drunk driver crossed onto a sidewalk in North Hollywood on Tuesday, striking and killing an 8-year-old girl, Los Angeles police reported. The driver was arrested on suspicion of manslaughter while intoxicated, police said.

The girl, whose name was withheld until relatives could be notified, was pronounced dead at Pacifica Hospital of the Valley in Sun Valley following the 2:35 p.m. accident, Officer Frank Zdroy said. The girl was thrown approximately 60 feet in the accident, he said.

Thomas Michael Murray, 62, of Montrose, was being held at the Van Nuys Division jail, Zdroy said.


Murray was driving east on Victory Boulevard near Carpenter Avenue when his car crossed into opposing traffic lanes and onto a sidewalk where the girl was standing, Zdroy said. After hitting the girl, the car continued until it was stopped by several trees and a fence, Zdroy said.
