
‘A Priest on Abortion’

Thanks to The Times and to the Rev. George F. Regas for the cogent analysis of the diverse and divisive facets of the abortion issue (“A Priest on Abortion: Woman as the Proper Moral Agent,” Opinion, Aug. 6).

Bless Regas for figuratively discarding his ecumenical cloak in order to condemn the self-anointed defenders of one-sided rights: the Catholic Church and the religious right. Also deservedly mentioned, the Supreme Court who threw the issue into the arena of the streets, where bodily numbers will decide an issue that should have been decided with rational dignity.

I’m a grandmother who is pro-child, pro-family, pro-life. I would like to carry a banner engraved with Regas’ words about coercing women to carry to term an unwanted child: “To force the unwanted on the unwilling, to use a woman’s body against her will and choice, is a kind of legalized rape that is morally repugnant.”


Mr. Regas, would that you had been a member of the Supreme Court!


