
NATION : Joint Panel Approves $225 Million for Superconducting Super Collider

From Times Wire Services

A joint panel of the House and Senate today approved one of the most ambitious scientific projects ever, giving the green light for construction of the mammoth superconducting super collider in Texas.

The Appropriations Conference Committee approved $225 million in 1990 funding for the world’s largest atom smasher, going with the higher figure approved by the Senate, with virtually no debate.

The House had approved only $200 million for the project, making the conference committee victory even sweeter for Texans who had lobbied intensely for the super collider since the beginning of the year.


Both the House and Senate are expected to rubber stamp the bill as early as next week and Rep. Jim Chapman (D-Tex.) said he expects no floor dissent on the super collider. That leaves only the signature of President Bush, a strong backer of the super collider, to make the project a reality.
