
Council Hears Friends, Foes of SDG&E; Merger

San Diego City Council members listened patiently for more than two hours Thursday night as opponents and proponents of San Diego Gas & Electric’s proposed merger with Southern California Edison explained their positions.

Thursday’s public hearing was one of five scheduled on the controversial matter. The council, which is trying to determine whether the city should oppose the merger, could vote at its Nov. 30 meeting.

On Thursday, more than 50 merger proponents, most of whom live outside the city’s borders, reiterated the utilities’ claim that the merger would bring lower rates and improved service to San Diego County residents. Many of the merger proponents wore badges provided by San Diegans for the Merger, a group with close ties to the utilities.


More than 30 merger opponents, many of whom belong to Utility Consumers Action Network, a local consumer group, repeated their oft-stated claim that electric rates and pollution would be increased by the merger.
